Harvest Leader Volunteer Interest Food Forward Harvest Leader – Volunteer Interest We’re excited that you’re interested in hearing more about our Harvest Leader role! Please fill out this short form, and we’ll reach out to you with additional details. Feel free to email [email protected] with any questions! WHO: Harvest Leaders are trained volunteers who harvest fruit all across Los Angeles and Ventura counties. You must be at least 16 years old to train as a Harvest Leader, and volunteers 16 – 17 years old must have a parent or legal guardian who trains and volunteers with them. WHAT: Harvest Leaders can choose to harvest fruit trees in any of the following ways: (1) by themselves; (2) with family and/or friends; or (3) by leading harvest events that are open to volunteers from the public (which Food Forward recruits for you). Food Forward communicates with fruit donors and managers of private properties, parks, farms, and orchards who are interested in donating their fruit. WHEN: Extremely flexible! You can let us know what days and times you prefer to volunteer, but we ask Harvest Leaders to commit to volunteering at 6 harvest events over the course of a year or less. HOW: We’ll have you check out a harvest first. If you love it, we’ll get you through the rest of our training and paperwork process! A background check (free to you) is required.Name*Email* In which city/area do you live?*Have you volunteered with Food Forward in the past?* Yes, at a fruit harvest Yes, at a farmers market Yes, at a different kind of event No, I have not volunteered with Food Forward We ask that Harvest Leaders be willing to harvest at least 6 times over the course of a year or less, though your schedule is up to you! Some folks like harvesting once a month throughout the year, while others harvest weekly for a couple of months. Would you able to do this? Yes! Maybe No